90210 is a Los Angeles detox and rehab center that helps our clients overcome addiction and become the best versions of themselves. While most drug rehab centers in Malibu, CA merely focus on medical detox and treating the symptoms of addiction, we have designed a program that really dives deep into the root cause of addiction.
Every client who walks into our doors is different. For this reason, we have assembled a well-rounded, unique staff to treat addiction holistically. This staff includes psychiatrists, doctors, nursing staff that’s available 24 hours a day, and dedicated case managers. Our Residential Inpatient Program treats addiction holistically by giving you the environment needed to heal, and throughout your stay, you’ll enjoy weekly fitness programs that include yoga and exercise; weekly sessions from chiropractors and massage therapists; and extracurricular activities that include creative writing, music groups, and more. We’re giving you a full spectrum of experiences to show you that life offers so much more than drugs and alcohol.